„Resurrection and Eternal Life. The Canonic Memory of the Resurrected Christ, His Reality, and His Glory“, in: Michael Welker, John Polkinghorn (Hg.), The End of the World and the Ends of God: Science and Theology on Eschatology, Harrisburg: Trinity 2000, 279-290.
There is perhaps no topic that seems less suited for the dialogue between theology and the so called exact sciences than the topic of the resurrection. At least in the contemporary cultural, intellectual, epistemological and theological climate of Western societies, the reality of the resurrection strikes most people as located, at best, at the farthest edge of any reality that correspond to the standards of rationality, experience and technical reproduction set by the sciences. It seems that this particular „reality“ can only be introduced in contrast to, or in negation of, all scientifically trustworthy forms of reality. It seems to be a counter- or hyperreality which science, when confronted with it, cannot but trace back to the realms of fantasy, dreams, or even pathological individual or psycho-social phenomena.