„The Tasks of Biblical Theology and the Authority of Scripture“, in: W. Alston (Hg.), Theology in the Service of the Church, FS Thomas Gillespie, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000, 232-241.
“Biblical theology,” whether understood as a branch of the theological disciplines or as an interdisciplinary theological program, is always confronted not only with the suspicion of conceptual unclarity, but also with the following never-ending problem: if “biblical theology” is to be understood as “theology” in the sense of an abstracted or ultimately ascertainable, comprehensive framework for thought and conviction, that is, in the sense of a specific system, then it is impossible. This type of biblical theology would contradict not only the variety and vitality of the biblical witness and record, which developed over a 1500 year period; above all, it would obstruct the vitality of the revelation of God to which the various biblical records testify from their particular perspectives.