„Menschlicher Geist und Gottes Geist“, in: Jahrbuch für Biblische Theologie, Bd. 24 (2009): Heiliger Geist, Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, 2011, 235-244.
The article illuminates the most impressive powers of the human spirit, both individually and communally. However, the use and the effects of these powers can be highly ambivalent. Biblical traditions see this clearly when they warn against »evil« or »deafening« spirits and when they criticize »the spirit of the world«. This leads to the question how to »discern the spirits« and how to identify the Spirit of God. The article shows that with reference to the law of God we gain criteria to discern the spirits and that the orientation towards the three offices of the resurrected and elevated Christ can provide clear perspectives on the Holy Spirit and its salvific workings.