„Rethinking Christocentric Theology“, in: Christine Helmer u. Bo Kristian Holm (Hg.), Transformations in Luther’s Theology: Historical and Contemporary Reflections, Arbeiten zur Kirchen- und Theologiegeschichte Bd. 32, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2011, 179-192.
There have been repeated attempts to criticize Luther’s Reformation approach. These attempts denounce its Christocentrism as »Christomonism« and, thus, ban it from academic consideration. Yet this polemic fails to recognize the comprehensive trinitarian understanding of the Reformers. The Reformers saw the entire creative power of God and of the divine Spirit to be bound together with the exalted Christ. Their focus on the revelation of God in Jesus Christ can direct us to the presence of the living, triune God.