The Theology and Science Dialogue: What Can Theology Contribute?, Theologische Anstöße 3, Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, 2012.
In 2008 I had the great privilege to spend the summer term at the University of Cambridge and to give lectures at the Divinity School and the Faraday Institute. From various perspectives, they probed the question “What Can Theology Contribute to the Science and Theology Dialogue?” to a dialogue which enriched academic and ecclesial life in the last decades of the 20th century. (…)
The three chapters in Part A of this book were presented as the 2009 Taylor Lectures at Yale Divinity School. I am grateful to my Yale colleagues and Dean Harold W. Attridge for their kind invitation and hospitality during my stay. Part B was presented as a lecture at Oxford in July 2010, at a conference entitled “God and Physics”, celebrating the 80th birthday of John Polkinghorne. I would like to thank John Brooks, Peter Harrison and Fraser Watts for their invitation to that event.
These chapters summarize many of the specific insights I have gained over the last 20 years from my participation in the global discourse on science and theology.