„Eschatology, Anthropology, and Concepts of Law“, in: Michael Welker (Hg.), The Science and Religion Dialogue: Past and Future, Frankfurt u. a.: Peter Lang, 2014, 67-72.
My academic background is in the areas of theology and philosophy. I did post-doctoral work on Alfred North Whitehead and thus got involved in the dialogue with natural scientists. Whitehead was a mathematician and amateur scientist and provided stimulating interdisciplinary insights. One of his basic interests was the complexity of cultural evolution. He acknowledged the fact that in modernity cultures center very much on mathematized science, and, to be sure, as a mathematician, he was in favor of this development. However, he observed that it comes with a price. He saw the danger that a culture strongly focused on mathematized sciences lowers or even distorts sensitivities for religious, ethical and aesthetic dynamics. He argued that a vibrant culture has to balance these various dimensions and strive for their mutual strengthening. I found this perspective quite convincing. With this background in mind today, I should like to speak first about the relevance of creating different specific forms and formats in the organization of interdisciplinary research and dialogue.