Welcome to my website!

Because I increasingly receive requests for access to my earlier publications, and because reading and research habits have changed so dramatically over the past few years, I will now be uploading some of my out-of-print books and earlier essays to this website.

The following topics have been particularly important for my work:

A. Key theological themes

  1. The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (pneumatology)

Focal points include God’s Spirit in the biblical traditions; God’s Spirit and the human spirit; the Spirit and freedom; the Spirit and love

  1. Christology

Focal points include the resurrection; the theology of the cross; what is known as the doctrine of two natures; the historical Jesus; Spirit Christology

  1. The Doctrine of Creation.

Focal points include anthropology (the doctrine of human beings); the dialogue between theology the natural sciences

  1. The Doctrine of the Church (Ecclesiology)

Focal points include the Eucharist; social ministry (diacony); public theology; critique of religion and culture

  1. Law and Gospel

Focal points include God’s justice and human justice; justice and mercy; theories of (communal, cultural, collective, canonical) memory; the dialogue between theology and the legal sciences

  1. Eschatology (what was earlier called the „doctrine of the last things“)

Focal points include God’s reign and Christ’s reign; the theology of hope (Moltmann); resurrection

  1. The Doctrines of the Trinity and God
  1. Forms of Theology

Focal points include systematic theology; prolegomena; biblical theology, cognitive theory and theology


B. Publications Resulting from Long-term International and Interdisciplinary Cooperation and Exchange

  1. Interdisciplinary Biblical Theology

See also „Sermons“

  1. The Dialogue between Theology and the Natural Sciences

See also „Anthropology“ and „Eschatology“

  1. The Dialogue Between Theology and the Legal Sciences

See also „Law and Gospel“

[or „Law“ and „Gospel“]
  1. The Dialogues between Theology and Economics, Theology and the Media Sciences
  1. Colloquies on the Topic of Public and Political Theology, Religion and Civil Society

See also „Social Ministry“; „Freedom“; „Justice“; „Pluralism“; „Critique of Religion and Culture“

  1. Concepts of Pluralism; Theories of Modernism and Post-Modernism


C. In my regular university lectures, qualifying works for my academic career, and occasionally also in essays, I have addressed the works of various classic authors in theology, philosophy, and sociology, including especially

  1. Paul
  2. Reformed theology (Calvin; the Heidelberg Catechism; Reformation thought in general)
  3. Schleiermacher
  4. Barth
  5. Bonhoeffer
  6. Moltmann
  7. Hegel
  8. Whitehead, process philosophy and process theology
  9. Luhmann, system theory, theories of pluralism


D. Sermons and Meditations

E. Interviews, Self-introduction

F. Critical Engagement

See also „Critique of Religion and Culture“

Several contributions are provided in the form of videos.