Welcome to my website!
Because I increasingly receive requests for access to my earlier publications, and because reading and research habits have changed so dramatically over the past few years, I will now be uploading some of my out-of-print books and earlier essays to this website.
The following topics have been particularly important for my work:
A. Key theological themes
- The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (pneumatology)
Focal points include God’s Spirit in the biblical traditions; God’s Spirit and the human spirit; the Spirit and freedom; the Spirit and love
- Christology
Focal points include the resurrection; the theology of the cross; what is known as the doctrine of two natures; the historical Jesus; Spirit Christology
- The Doctrine of Creation.
Focal points include anthropology (the doctrine of human beings); the dialogue between theology the natural sciences
- The Doctrine of the Church (Ecclesiology)
Focal points include the Eucharist; social ministry (diacony); public theology; critique of religion and culture
- Law and Gospel
Focal points include God’s justice and human justice; justice and mercy; theories of (communal, cultural, collective, canonical) memory; the dialogue between theology and the legal sciences
- Eschatology (what was earlier called the „doctrine of the last things“)
Focal points include God’s reign and Christ’s reign; the theology of hope (Moltmann); resurrection
- The Doctrines of the Trinity and God
- Forms of Theology
Focal points include systematic theology; prolegomena; biblical theology, cognitive theory and theology
B. Publications Resulting from Long-term International and Interdisciplinary Cooperation and Exchange
- Interdisciplinary Biblical Theology
See also „Sermons“
- The Dialogue between Theology and the Natural Sciences
See also „Anthropology“ and „Eschatology“
- The Dialogue Between Theology and the Legal Sciences
See also „Law and Gospel“
[or „Law“ and „Gospel“]
- The Dialogues between Theology and Economics, Theology and the Media Sciences
- Colloquies on the Topic of Public and Political Theology, Religion and Civil Society
See also „Social Ministry“; „Freedom“; „Justice“; „Pluralism“; „Critique of Religion and Culture“
- Concepts of Pluralism; Theories of Modernism and Post-Modernism
C. In my regular university lectures, qualifying works for my academic career, and occasionally also in essays, I have addressed the works of various classic authors in theology, philosophy, and sociology, including especially
- Paul
- Reformed theology (Calvin; the Heidelberg Catechism; Reformation thought in general)
- Schleiermacher
- Barth
- Bonhoeffer
- Moltmann
- Hegel
- Whitehead, process philosophy and process theology
- Luhmann, system theory, theories of pluralism
D. Sermons and Meditations
E. Interviews, Self-introduction
F. Critical Engagement
See also „Critique of Religion and Culture“
Several contributions are provided in the form of videos.