„Processes of Discovery in Science and Theology: Bottom-up Approach, Critical Realism and Interdisciplinary Inspiration“, in: Fraser Watts u. Christopher C. Knight (Hg.), God and the Scientist: Exploring the Work of John Polkinghorne, Ashgate Science and Religion Series, Ashgate: Farnham, Surrey / U.K. u. Burlington, VT / USA, 2012, 257-266.
It is characteristic of John Polkinghorne ‘s work that he connects his passion for the science-and-theology discourse with a deep interest in the topics of Christology, pneumatology and eschatology. He shows, in this way, that we do not have to limit the dialogue between science and theology merely to the doctrine of creation or anthropology. Nor must we shy away from historical and biblical studies.
In this interdisciplinary discourse, Polkinghorne, as a critical realist, seeks to strengthen common sense and its appeal to experience. Yet he also wants to heighten and sensitise common sense, to sharpen it in its confrontation with scientific and theological facts and discoveries.