„Theological Realism and Biblical Theology“, in: Heinrich Assel, Stefan Beyerle u. Christfried Böttrich (Hg.), Beyond Biblical Theologies, WUNT 295, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012, 483-493.
While there have certainly been biblical scholars fond of calling their essays on the theology of the Old or New Testament “biblical theology”, and while publications even on such topics as the biblical bases of church services, liturgy and pastoral care have used the expression “biblical theology” in their titles, none of this should distract us from the fact that the formulation and development of a stable and workable concept of “biblical theology” still lies ahead of us. By no means are we already at the end of or even beyond such an epoch. (…) my paper aims to develop a perspective “Beyond Non-Realistic Biblical Theologies”.